When is NASA Going to Reveal What is Known About Alien Life?

A veil of secrecy has covered the topic of extraterrestrial life for some time now.  So much so, that the result of one ‘open Q&A’ on the topic resulted in one group “Collective Evolution” being suspended for life.

Good riddance? Or Good Grief?

The question to most researchers into the topic of alien life isn’t if but when.   If you’ve ever delved into the topic, there is no shortage of mystery and questions abound.

So when NASA decides to hold an AMA on Reddit to discuss 7 exoplanets that were recently deemed ‘habitable’, those researchers came crawling out of the woodwork; specifically requesting to know what NASA does or does not know about the existence of alien life.
About Alien Life

One question in particular, sparked enough inert rage into the Reddit moderator behind the scenes to permanently suspend the username from Reddit

Here it is:
“Collective Evolution Media asks: When is NASA going to reveal what is known about ET life? Former defence minister of Canada Hon. Paul Hellyer has said there are at least 4 known ET species communicating with humans. He is certainly not the only high ranking whistleblower on this topic. When is NASA going to address this? Thanks!”

To wit, NASA responded with:
So what response did we receive from NASA? Nothing, which was fine, but sure enough, Reddit suspended our account permanently. We did not spam, abuse, nor ask anything more than 1 simple question.

What a load of $%#!

There are arguments about the method in which Collective Evolution garnered support for their question, but the reaction to the question itself, should raise eyebrows – absolutely.

While several theories have popped up since, most notably, the willingness (or directive) to maintain the secret nature of alien life sealed, everyone (aside from NASA) seems to agree that is was simply overkill

Keep your eyes peeled out there! Here’s a video on the topic

Who is Paul Hellyer?

Hellyer: “The American people and the people of the world have the right to know what’s going on, because they are part of it (…) An investigation was launched into this whole subject and a document was prepared which concluded that at least four species have been visiting earth for thousands of years.”
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1 May 2017 at 08:20 ×

it looks like deliberate targeting of the group that asked the question. its that much for sure at least. but more than that its even possible the entire claim of willingness by nasa to answer these kinds of questions on reddit was just a psy ops in order to create a public display of douchebaggery towards research of this kind to further quell the asking of such questions. i say either way, the fact they reacted this way in and of itself is proof enough that something weird is going on with alien life and they dont want you to know about it

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...